Trade Enquiry |
Buy and Sell Murtika:
Mruttika Resources Pvt. Ltd. Was formed on 25th November, 2002. It is a company registered under the Company Act, 1956. It serves as the trading wing of RCDC. The objects for which this company was setup are:
1. To promote conservation, to procure, process and market on its own or with the primary producer's cooperatives, federations or associations, etc in India or abroad, the forest produces both major and minor including all types of medicinal plants in finished or semi-finished forms and surplus agricultural produces; to conduct research and development in the field of natural resource management specially in forest and agricultural produce processing, value addition and allied areas and to work with fair trade groups located in India or abroad for market promotion of such products.
2. To collaborate with local, regional, national and international research and market promotion institutions and different government agencies and corporations for research and development of appropriate technology of forest and agricultural produces processing and value addition; transfer of technology to primary produces including the medicinal plants, to provide consultancy services on appropriate resource use and sustainable development practices; and to develop consumer awareness and education on sustainable use and management of these produces.
If you have any forest produce to sell/buy to/from us you can post your request to the address given below.
A/68, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar -7.
Orissa, India.
Phone: 91-674-2510985/2517897
Fax: 91-674-2509326
E-mail: rcdcbbsr@sancharnet.in. |