NTFPs trade under public sector monopoly -Institutions like TDCC, OFDC, ORMAS (Orissa Rural Marketing Society) and TRIFED (Tribal Federation) have been involved in procurement and sale of NTFPs.
Among the 4 organizations TDCC has the maximum responsibility of market support. It was created as an apex cooperative for development of the tribal communities of the state through elimination of exploitation by the middlemen and traders in the sale of NTFPs. 202 LAMPS, 35 other cooperatives, 47 Panchayat Samitis and the state government are the members of this apex cooperative.
In under private sector of NTFPs marketing Cooperatives have been identified as the best possible option for NTFP enterprises and trade. Cooperatives are the federated bodies of the village level institutions like Self Help Groups (SHGs), Forest Protection Committees (FPCs) etc. Around 20 institutions have been targeted while forming the cooperative. |