Scientists around the globe are unanimous
in their opinion that climate
change is well and truly upon us. It has
manifested itself in various ways - increasing
global temperature, changes
in precipitation patterns, extreme
weather events, rising sea levels, decreasing
snow cover and melting glaciers,
warming of poles and loss of sea
ice, warming and acidification of
ocean, changes in ecosystem etc. Various
reports have suggested that global
temperature has increased by 0.74° C
since 1850. Eleven of the last 12 years
have been the warmest on record since
1850. Sea levels are rising due to thermal
expansion and melting glaciers and
ice caps. On an average, sea level has
risen by 17cm globally in the twentieth
century and may rise by as much
as 28-51 cm by 2010. The most important
reason for changes in the climate
is the Green House effect1 . While
Green House Gases (GHG) are necessary
to maintain the earth's climate, the
burning of fossil fuels and destruction
of forests over the last 200 years or so
have resulted in a significant increase
in the concentration of these gases. As
the concentration of these gases continues
to increase in the atmosphere,
the earth's temperature rapidly climbs.
Today, the concentration of GHG in
the atmosphere has reached 415 ppm
and is rising at the rate of about 2 ppm
per year. It is this increasing concentration
of GHG in the atmosphere that
causes global warming. There is an urgent
need to reduce the amount of
GHG in the atmosphere. |